by mad wiccan May 4, 2003
Chinese Man 1: Ooooh that hurt soo good.
Chinese Man 2: Here I give you leach alound make it better!
Chinese Man 2: Here I give you leach alound make it better!
by Ron Roberto July 8, 2010
Bob sticks his nose up kevin's ass and has to have hot water poured on him to back off. Bob is Kevin's butt leach buddy.
by Nikolai88 January 12, 2008
by mclout October 4, 2009
One who burdens the grace of others by gaining invitation to social gatherings for which the social leach is not equipped to contribute but will still make partial gains at the expense of participants who believe they are benefiting the social leach by being nice to him or her which causes a continuous blood supply from which the leach can suck as he or she achieves more unwanted invitations.
The social leach listened in on all my conversations at the party despite the fact that I ignored him all night, but no one had the balls to tell him he isn't invited to the next meetup.
by jlang13 May 22, 2017
A power leach is a person who borrows an electronic device and uses it until almost complete depletion and returns it.
Person a: here's your iphone back man.
Person b: dude it has less than 10% battery life. Why do you have to be a power leach?
Person b: dude it has less than 10% battery life. Why do you have to be a power leach?
by hawkeyepierc February 27, 2010
by smackyyy April 16, 2019