Patrick Leach

Man with an unusually small penis.
Everybody loves Patrick Leach.
by thegoodman November 5, 2010
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butt leach

Butt leach = co-worker who sucks the bosses ass so hard they resemble a parasite such as a leach.
Omg she totally kisses the bosses ass....she is such a butt leach!
by jamieirene January 28, 2014
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ass leach

Someone who is constantly inseparable from the another person's rectum.
Guy 1: That bobby guy is such an ass leach.

guy 2: Yeah, totally.
by SHAD0WZOMBIE March 28, 2011
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The act of having anal sex with many different men at the same time, usually unprotected
"I heard that girl pulled a c-leach last night, hope she got herself checked out"

"Ya, and then my boyfriend decided call over his friends, and we c-leached!"

"Honestly man, I got c-leached so hard last night, now I know how your mom feels."
by connor the dirty leacher June 2, 2009
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butt leach

A person that spends an inordinate amount of time kissing up to someone. Similar to a butt kisser or brown noser but greater in intensity.
George is such a butt leach!
by JollyFatMan April 27, 2005
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Heat Leaching

The practice of walking through as many buildings as possible on the way to your destination to stay warm in the cold of winter.
"When it gets really cold on campus I engage in heat leaching."
by yupcollegestudent January 30, 2009
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penis leach

dude daniel you are such a penis leach
by evan February 27, 2004
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