Legacy Of Darkness

a clan in starcraft that has lived for less than a year an is still going strong. a takeoff from l)ark_Empire clan but has sense outlived it so far.
by Yoda March 31, 2004
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A truck that contains a wench, which, when attached to stationary object via hook, can prevent said truck from falling to its destruction in a canyon. Developed by Tony Haga and documented in the movie "The Lod".
"The Lod" is the best movie ever
Good thing the Lod allowed that truck to survive a near-fatal drop into a canyon and/or creek!
by TC Wong August 8, 2003
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Dictionary definition for 'Lod'

'When a group of lads go on tour they become lodz. They consume alcohol and get into fights; they're solid and should be avoided if you encounter them in groups. Often led by a smaller male, who knocks people the fuck out'

A lad on tour.
Informal . a familiar or affectionate term of address for a man; chap.

1250–1300; Polish lodde < ?; compare late Old English Lodda

—Related forms
lod·dish, adjective
lod·hood, noun <(where the lods mass to)
Lod 1. 'If this guy keeps bumping into me i'm going to punch him in the face until his eye's melt.'

Lod 2 (speaking on behalf of all the other lodz in the group)

'I don't blame you, he's a douche'.

*Guy bumps into Lod 1*
Lod 1 throws punch, the rest of the Lodz decend onto Guy, a flurry of fists, vengence in the form of complete violence ensues.

Lod 1 'We fucking showed him'

Lod 2 'Can't mess with the Lodz'
by Artski April 18, 2011
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a basic insult that actually can be quite offensive and effective, whilst sounding funny as well
Mark: "Hey, Chad, do you see that white kid over there watching anime on his phone for the plot?"
Chad: "Yeah dude. Fuck him, he's a lod."
"ur mum a lod, she a ucker sket xd"
by eternalsadness March 9, 2018
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LoD stands for Lord of Death or Lord of the Dead, a boss in the MMORPG Ragnarok Online by Gravity Interactive. This boss is used to level up characters otherwise impossible to level up. It is also a great source for e-drama.

This boss is most commonly used by guilds like Wild-Blades, Gods of War, Maelstrom, etc. LoD will continuously resummon his minions for unlimited exp, and he resummons it fast enough for an incredible exp rate.

The existance of this boss is believed to cause jealous people to scream.
by Anonymous January 14, 2005
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An abbreviation of the phrase "Lord God" most often used by televangelists with ridiculously thick southern accents.
by WE Jong August 12, 2003
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