The action of twerking while music by the German band Kraftwerk plays in the background.
kraftwerk’s induction into rock & roll hall of fame had me kraftwerking all night
by krautrock baddie October 21, 2022
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Kraftwerk is an electronic/techno a bit of kraut rock, avant-garde and alternative band. They were very popular in the 70s and 80s. They are known as the founding fathers of electronic music, as well as hip hop, drum and bass and house. Their most popular album is Die Mensch-Maschine also known as The Man Machine. Some of their most famous songs are The Robots, Trans-Europe Express and Autobahn. The artist Afrika Bambaataa used Kraftwerk's song Trans-Europe Express in his song Planet Rock. They were and still are one of the greatest electo bands in history.
Friend 1: Hey man I just came back from one of Kraftwerk's 3D concerts!
Friend 2: Did you see Ralf Hütter?
Friend 1: Yeah, he's so cool
by ThatMusicLover~ January 7, 2017
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German techno/pop band that surfaced in the 70's. Very popular in Germany as well as the US. Recently created a new CD called "Tour de France". Technologically themed concerts.
by Will September 5, 2003
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Kraftwerk a Krautrock/German band that started Techno/Eletronica. As they were the first band to use only synthesizers. Their music is the root influence of current day music such as; Rap, Hip Hop, Techno, Alternative and many other genres music.
"Whoot! There It Is" and other Rap songs' BEATS would not have been possible without the transformation of Kraftwerk's electronic influences.
by vv March 9, 2004
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Possibly the greatest electro techno style group ever! One of Germanys finest exports! An extremely big hit in the 80s. No one should dis them they are great.
Hey Hawker put some Kraftwerk on!!!!
by Hawker February 13, 2004
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It means when you are sitting alone doing your AP/Organic Chemistry work with Kraftwerk playing in the background to help you focus.
Michael: Man, that AP Chemistry work last night was a real dog.
Jack: Yeah I spend all night Kraftwerk and chilling with it.
by dasModellDerNeonlichts October 16, 2015
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