A way of expressing disdain with a current, recently learnt past, or potential future wholly undesirable event or occurrence. Typically perceived to be such a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation for reasons behold: insufficient enthusiasm, interest, or concern; a lack of physical grace, elegance, or refinement; the culmination of preceding incompatible events or uninformed persons meeting; how one will be regarded by individuals, peers, family, a presently undefined social group, or the populace at large
by Backward Evolution January 25, 2014
by Pa-Chinkoo August 9, 2011
That moment you realise you have a whole list of chores after you got done doing something really hard is the best time to use this phrase!
by THEIRONY December 12, 2017
by Kenton Makings November 1, 2018
by 4player May 27, 2008
"kill me now i have so much homework" jeff said, just before he commit suicide because of the massive amount of homework his teachers gave him that day
by John Titor/Barrel December 1, 2017