Like a man child, but even worse. One who effectively makes his friends question why the hell they even know that person

He's really cute, but he's such a Kid Baby
I'm 23, an idiot, live at home, and say things that piss people for no reason.... I'm such a kid baby
by Dawaka July 8, 2013
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Joshism. A kid who plays video games with little to no skill but talks incessantly. Term coined by the Vandervort clan.
"I just pooped on these Baby Kids"

"Went 52-0 in CoD and trashed some baby kids!"
by AGuyThatKnowsWhatJoshismsAre August 14, 2011
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Someone who’s is being not only a baby, but also a kid, thus making a “Lil Baby Kid
Stanley’s not answering his phone because he was napping, what a lil baby kid.
by Self Explanatory June 19, 2023
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A suitable substitute for the word toddler when you are a halfwhit who can't think of the word toddler when it is most needed, such as in a conversation about Buckcherry's frontman Josh Todd.
Me: No he (Josh Todd) is married and has kids, sex wasn't the reason behind the new Gretchen Wilson/Buckcherry song.

Her: He has kids?

Me: Yeah, he has like,

Her: A toddler?

Me: ....yeah.

Her: Dumbass.
by Baby-Kidder February 18, 2016
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