an onomatopaiec word, suggesting an explosion, although can be used as a greeting or as a random word.
when describing an explosion "and it all went KABLAMMO!"

"friend: hey.
you: kablammo"
by xhellyx May 17, 2004
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an expletive used in an excited or startled mood to convey the seriousness or extreme nature of a situation. sometimes used to spice up a boring situation.
My god, i just found a thousand dollars on a park bench! Kablammo!!!
Brownfield: the beatles are a great band.....because of this, that and the other reason.....
Me: Kablammo!!!
by kablammodoctor August 15, 2003
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Quite possibly the best randomly used word ever. Always great in an idle internert conversation
Random_IdiotYeah so I OWNED some kid in Warcraft III
*time passes*
by Wafulz August 11, 2003
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An exclamation used by the winner of any contest or after a spectacular event.Commonly used by my girlfriend after we have sex.
"I win. Kablammo!" or "That sex was great! Kablammo!"
by Matt Hecht March 25, 2003
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The biggest Dubstep party in the Midwestern USA
by Bassface March 10, 2009
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Dimethyl cadmium decomposes to form a crust of dimethyl cadmium peroxide, which is a friction sensitive explosive, so you're just one shoe-scuff away from KABLAMMO
by Some rando out there January 27, 2023
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