"Joking Me" is a way to ask your kid if they are lying and getting them to admit they are lying to you.

Just imagine ur young elementary school student telling you a story so outrageous you being the adult know it's a lie...so u have to ask Are you

"JOKING ME" and they giggle cause they know you know they are telling a lying funny story..

If u keep insisting they answer the question R u "JOKING ME" They will admit they were lying making up stories.
I can get my kid to admit they are lying just by saying r u JOKING ME...and it makes life just a little easier cause they think they are funny but they think I am funnier just cause I keep saying r u "JOKING ME"
by PRETTY IN COPPER February 1, 2017
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A term used to express surprise and probably displeasure. A mixture of "Are you kidding me?" and "Are you joking?" Used most in the Bergen County area of New Jersey.
Math Teacher: Tonight's homework is page 121, 12 to 30.
Stupid Ridgewood Jock Kid: Are you joking me?!
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A phrase used in the place of "you're kidding me", with joking as the verb to denote the restricted vocabulary of the speaker.
"I got a condom stuck in my ear!"

"You're joking me!"

by IbanezPlayer071 March 14, 2006
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a question asked of someone when they're telling you something you don't want to hear.
coworker #1: "did you hear we have to have these reports done by this afternoon."

coworker #2: "are you joking me off right now?"
by gap tooth grin August 19, 2009
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I am in constant agony. My life is a mess. As a kid I had a natural aptitude for math and science, but I let it get to my head, ultimately ruining my possibility to go to college.

I wasted my life playing video games and watching the television; the natural talents I once had have apathied and worn away, leaving the one thing I was good at behind.

My life has been nothing but a fastly accelerating downward spiral and I have failed to provide anything of with to anyone.
Isaiah: Hey, Ed! Haven't seen you in a few years, how are you don't?

Me: I am in constant agony, this is not a joke; please help me.

Isaiah: ...
Me: ...
Isaiah: yeah, same.
by MrDrEdward October 31, 2021
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when dook makes a funny joke that makes everyone laugh so hard funny
dook: POOP
everyone: dook makes the funny jokes makes me go lol lol olol
by bpglblglblp August 20, 2019
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When you convince your tarded homie something outrageous is true and he falls for it over and over for 30 years cause he is a tard.
Me "Something crazy."
Tard "OH my gosh, that must be true, I'm such a tard."
Everyone else "Laughs"
Card "OH wait, are you Roy Joking Me?"
by Misterpinksaysthings May 13, 2024
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