
Someone who does something unbelievable or pisses you off.
This joka had the car all night and brought it back on empty.
by CoolReg January 22, 2009
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Joka is a person who presents himself to be extremely stupid, yet anyone that's around him is always entertained.
I love to hang around with him, but that joka always extends the boundaries of stupidity it's sometimes embarrassing.
by Punday May 31, 2011
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Someone who is funny and makes you chuckle or lol. Similar to joker but slightly chavyer!
This person may become a joko but don't let them.

Ben: U r such a joka!
Bill: Ennit.
by Liblob December 24, 2006
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JOKA is a bitch ass pussy thot hoe and everybody loves her. She probably doesn't even like your dumbass. She WILL punch ur pussycat. She loves seeing people die, but then gets jealous of them. a lil sadist. a little bit asian looking but its cool. she will give you her bonnsoggel.
joka, what is u doing?
by KatrineChanel October 23, 2017
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Someone who is funny and makes you chuckle or lol. Similar to joker but slightly chavyer!
This person may become a joko but don't let them.
Ben: U r such a joka
Bill: Ennit.
by Liblob December 21, 2006
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joka n phreese

2 fuckin dickheads. no1 but roxy lyks u but roxys so dum so dont get ur hopes high dat sum1 lyks u. jus dnt get happs cos u fink u have A frend
aint evan gonna waste my time
by billy n kaz September 2, 2003
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Joka n Phreese

Quite possiblt the most moronic beings in existance.
Joka n Phreese like anal sex, especially those including large black men.
by Ty December 6, 2004
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