You jhi like ugly I won’t date you
by Definer752 February 11, 2018
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1. Term used when you agree

2. Extra emphasis

1. That joint bad asl

2. That’s jhi like dumb
by big v dmv July 12, 2020
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Jhi, a sound conformation, an Explanation or an understanding of something that is said; sometimes said to relate. Depending on the sound you make when you say it, jhi may mean hell yeah, maybe, or hell nah

Mom- did the food taste good? don- Jhi! The chicken was the best part
Naz- you about to step outside? Don - Jhi. Kalvon - you jhi about to piss me off. Elijah - you think she cute? Fatboy - jhi
by ParodaJayYadon March 1, 2023
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1. An indian

2. When you try to text hi to an indian and put a J in front of it

3. What you say to indians to greet them
White: Wow is that a Jhi?

Indian: You indian?
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replaces really in a sentence
leah: yooo u see the new guy at school?
mia: i did he jhi like hot as fuckkkk
by dm(v) slang February 20, 2019
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that jawnt jhi fat
by dmv gurl November 7, 2017
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JHI is a mistype for "Hi" by a YouTube user called "Unknown Caller" on a GamerZ livestream. It later became a meme on his channel.
it is more than that, it is a lifeform, a cult, some would even go as far as saying it's a religion or we control the internet, the politics, the hacker groups, the universe, even. we. are. j h i. -GreenBoy

GamerZ dies in bedwars, his chat: That was a very jhi moment
by _GreenBoy_ September 12, 2020
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