God's Son who died for all, even the people who have posted all of the sacreligious words above.
For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
by newuser March 17, 2003
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Was black according to 'Dogma'.
person 1: What an interesting concept, to think Jesus was black and so much white Christian tyranny could be based on a lie.
person 2: Dude.
by Argos Gold March 20, 2005
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Son of God who died to save mankind from their sins. rose again and ascended to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father.
by davy April 4, 2005
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Jesus of Nazareth, also known as Christ

The greatest, purest, wisest, and nicest liberal to ever live.
If George W. Bush is the greatest conservative ever, and Jesus the greatest liberal. I guess that makes George W. Bush the anti-christ.
by independent July 24, 2005
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Something really amazing that someone did.
Boy: "I got 98% on that test about the economic revolution in southern Russia during the time of Stalin's rule, even though it was supposedly really hard and everyone was freaking out about it, especially that one girl with the really ugly hair. Christ, she's crazy."

Boy 2: "Oh shit man! That's a jesus right there!"
by Awoo September 21, 2006
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a pretty awesome guy & my savior. he didn't consider himself above others. he preached about loving all other people and helping everyone and not judging or discriminating. he really didn't like "holier then thou" attitudes (Matthew 6:5-25). he led by example. i believe that he was the Son of God and that he was crucified for our sins- which would be a pretty strange thing to do if he wasn't all about LOVE- and that he rose again.
Christianity is the religion that follows him, and it sucks that there is so much corruptuin, ect. associated with it. Jesus preached help and love your neighbor (aka everybody), forgiveness, not judging, and that God is all about love (which is why he sent Jesus).
i think it's pretty interesting that people who say that they love Jesus turn around and hate on others based on their skin color, religion, or lifestyle choice.

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person 1: so what did you do this summer?

me: well i went with my refreshingly open-minded church on a mission trip to help people in that disaster area, rebuilding homes and child care and such. Cuz thats the kind of stuff Jesus was all about.

person 1: so y'all don't do those anti-people (that don't agree with everything you say so they are going to hell) rallies and giving half your salary so your religious leader can buy a ferrari cuz he said God spoke directly to him and told you to?

me: uhhh NO.
Jesus was a good guy. && my example is in the def.
by norway_babyy November 3, 2007
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