1.When boiling chicken bones for use in stock, the fatty greasy inedible scum and filth that rises to the surface and must be skimmed off and discarded.

2. A homophobic male who stalks women he's never met and obsessively accuses their boyfriends of being gay.
1. Skim the jeff off the top when it cools.

2. For god's sake don't answer that email! He's a total jeff!

by atall February 6, 2008
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a gay guy who is gay and by the way jeff gay also if you didnt know jeff gay
by Reeeeeee123eeeee February 27, 2019
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Refering to or pertaining to "Jeff", whose very name is a vulgarity in the real sense of the word.
Go jeff yourself.
Jeff off.
You're such a jeffer.
You guys are a bunch of jeffers.
I can't jeffing believe this!
by Crash D June 12, 2005
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To throw an object under-hand; Opposite of 'chucking' an object overhand.
John: Hey chuck my phone to me.
Steve: Nah I'll jeff-it so it doesn't break.
by JustineL November 18, 2012
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the higher ranking of bubs. created by taylor and adriana
your mom gay
“jeff you know me so well”

“see that cute track guy over there”
“he wants your jeffing myspace user”
“ahhhhh im gonna freak the jeff out”

“how does my nipple look today?”
by cteh sea jeffery April 11, 2018
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