A slang term for boobs, breasts, tits, and so on coined in the english dub of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 "Golden Wind"

This phrase was said by Mista in the context of Fugo having just fallen into 15 year old Trish's "Jaunty Jiggle Sacks" after the car made a sudden turn. Since then, the phrase has been ironically, and sometimes unironically, used by JoJo fans to describe these so called Jiggle Sacks. It was said 1:55 into Episode 14 of GioGio part 5.
Mista: "I know it seems like we hit the breaks so my man here could peak at those Jaunty Jiggle Sacks but I give you my word that's not it!"
by June 20, 2023
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