the one sexy beast from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 - Golden Wind. With the stand 'Six Bullets' (Sex Pistols) he can manipulate the bullets (actual bullets not the human like ones that help him)
by herpiesfreesince03 June 13, 2019
by Abbachio June 18, 2020
Someone that hasn’t washed their balls in years, and or has not taken a bath in who knows how long. Mista is a fictional character from “jojo’s bizarre adventure” well know for not washing his balls. Therefore, he should be used to refer to someone that is very unsanitary. Although they might be hot
by Mikasabigbiddies February 14, 2021
by Narancia! March 20, 2022
A guys that gets you pregnant then leaves you and denies it’s his so he doesn’t have to take care of it.
by christabell lillian dandy November 25, 2017
A 'cool' way to say Mister
by Dudette March 23, 2005
ohmagodlah! itsamistalah! itsamista! itsA-A-A-O-OH-OOOOOH-OHMY-MY-MY-MY-MY-MY-MY-MISSSSSTAAA.
(direct quote.)
(direct quote.)
by mista ^^ September 4, 2003