by P0pe W0nka January 2, 2011
Noun: a Jägerbomb - a shot of Jägermeister dropped into a glass of Red Bull and immediately swallowed.
by Speedog 2 January 23, 2011
A nickname for someone who always brings materials necessary for Jagerbombs (red bull, Jager, possibly shot glasses, etc.) to a party. This person is extremely awesome, women want him, and men wanna be him.
by TheAmazingNEZ December 30, 2011
When you're scanning through radio stations and you're not sure if you've stumbled upon a christian station, the J-bomb is what you listen for in order to tell.
by Leefy Greans April 16, 2006
Me: "So I'm thinking of going on a diet...maybe I'll do Atkins..."
Christian: "Yeah! Well Jesus fasted didn't he?"
They just J-bombed/J-bombing
Christian: "Yeah! Well Jesus fasted didn't he?"
They just J-bombed/J-bombing
by Doppa April 12, 2015
A Jiz bomb, a few ml of clearish, white liquid which excretes from the penis after after playing with your self or a friend
by Cademcnade June 2, 2009