The hit anime show created by Rumiko Takahashi. Set in Japan during the feudal era, the main characters are a half demon (Inuyasha) and a girl from present day Japan (Kagome). Long story short, a magical jewel gets broken and they (and friends they pick up along the way) have to find all the pieces.

Over all, the show has a very good premise, art, and general plot (I like it anyway). But Takahashi puts in far too many filler episodes and the plot at several places becomes stagnent and does not move forward, at all. (just like her other hit show, Ranma 1/2).
The last Anime episode ends with the main characters pretty much in the same position as they started out, and leaves the watchers going "what the HELL is this?"

(my suggestion: watch until your brain just can't handle anymore plot speed bumps and you simply can't see your beloved characters squandered. Then go online, and find the crazy amount of fan sites. If your a perv, I bet you are, you'll find lots of Inuyasha NC 17 stories and porn to satisfy you)
I quit watching Inuyasha after epi. 128, so now I read smutty Inuyasha fan fiction)
by Alex Canton June 11, 2007
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his name means Lord of the Dogs (believe it or not)...

he had a human mother (sp?) and a demonic Leader for a father. or is it the other way around, they were both of high social class standing, so Inuyasha sama is also a Lord. some may hate it but u gotta live with some things

he was a wild demon who attacked humans and ate their livestock. he was out of control when he was in his demon form, and only in-check when he was in his human form.

he looks more like a demon than a half-demon cos half demons are half transformed and often look half demon and half human. he is one of the "demons that look like humans" so he is very dangerous and bad (one of the worst).

he is a very powerful demon that does not need special attacks to defend or attack. he is super fast, has a keen sense of smell, and has superhuman strength. one point is his skin is fine but very strong, does not cut by any sharp object or even string of the best quality. once he had a taste for fresh blood but kikyou fed him vegetables to curb this savage craving.

however, he has inherited from one of his parents (sp?) a sort of sympathy for humans, and sometimes this in his heart ties him down, and he doesn't want this feeling to become a burden.

a lot of humans from the villages thought he was scary, but kikyou saw him as a cute fluffy puppy dog. personality-wise, he is very mean to women and often likes to insult people, and women. he has a brother, i think he's called Sesshoumaru the killing blade. he is very stubborn but in other areas he's very good.

apparently he loved kikyou (or was it the other way around) because she was nice to him, and they shared a special bond that could not be broken by the strongest force. they were very close, initially, and often shared same thoughts in the mind. kikyou thought he belonged to her.

he is one of the better looking demons, which is pretty obvious when you REALLY look at him (close up). i mean look at his manners!!! they are so... u kno, refined. but he is nice in some ways
INUYASHA SIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- Kagome

Inuyasha... you betrayed me... -- Kikyou
by kagome kagome April 29, 2007
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A pretty cool anime show by Rumiko Takahashi about a Half Dog Demon named Inuyasha, a miko named Kagome, a Demon slayer called Sango with her Cat demon Kirara (Kilala in the english Translation) And a Buddhist monk named Miroku, with a small fox demon named Shippo

50 years ago (Show time) the miko Kikyo (Kagome is Kikyo's reincarnation) sealed Inuyasha to a tree after he attempted to steal a jewel called the "Shikon No Tama" that would make Inuyasha a full demon like his brother Sesshomaru. Kikyou died (Reborn from clay in episode 9 or so) then fast forward Kagome feel through a mistic well on her land (She fell back about a good 500 years). She awoken Inuyasha from his 50 year sleep. She got ahold of the Shikon Jewel and broke it, now her and Inuyasha have to gather all the shards. Along the way they meet Naraku (The one who Betrayed Kikyou and Inuyasha) And other Demons' whom try to stop everyone from getting the shards.

I myself am a fan, my first Anime show that wasnt Pokemon <_< (Gay show, Pokemon got gay after the First Season) But I have noticed that practically all the enemies are Naraku's decendants, and they always die. None of the main cast ever die. And Kagome yells "INUYASHA!" way to much in the english Translation, Inuyasha yells "KAGOME!" as well. I think the Japanese verion is better.

But it is a beutiful drawn Anime in which the pricks' who produce the show stopped even though Rumiko is still making the manga (Thank god! The Anime didnt have a ending! YAY A ENDING!) And the Yomuri Televising corp. never made a ending to the show.

Inuyasha owns as much as Chobits

Inuyasha rocks as much as I do!

Inuyasha Otaku: L!K3 OMG!!!!!!!!! I LOVE INUYASHA!

Me: Some days I wish I would know how the story actually concluded

Me: Like anyone who is a true Anime fan would love Inuyasha, only if they have seen Disgaea. If they have they would probably hate Inuyasha, some people like both

by Meowbark April 21, 2007
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1. The hit anime/manga series by Rumiko Takahashi that focuses on a half-demon named Inuyasha and his companions as they fight to collect the shards of the Shikon no Tama (Jewel of Four Souls).

2. The main character in the hit anime/manga series by Rumiko Takahashi. Inuyasha is half-demon, half-human, and seeks control of the sacred Shikon no Tama in order to become a full-fledged demon.

"Impatient and self-centered, he was in love with Kikyo, a priestess of the Jewel."

Inuyasha has an inferiority-complex towards his older half brother (and full demon) Sesshomaru, as well as some sibling rivalry involving the sword Tetsusaiga Inuyasha inherited from their father.

The name 'Inuyasha' comes from the words 'inu', meaning dog, and 'yasha', which is a forest-spirit.
"'Inuyasha' is also a rare name." - Kappei Yamaguchi, Japanese voice of Inuyasha
by Chika July 21, 2005
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1. An anime/manga by Rumiko Takahashi. The sacred shikon no tama has been shattered, and the shards must be gathered, before they fall into the hands of evil.

2. The main character of InuYasha. He is a hanyou(Haf demon), half dog-demon and half human. On the night of the new moon, he becomes full human until morning. He has long, white hair, yellow eyes, pointed dog ears, and wears a red outfit.
"Have you seen the latest episodes of InuYasha?"

"Look out! InuYasha's coming!"
by Sailor InuYasha March 29, 2005
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The name of a popular anime/manga character staring in a show of the same name. InuYasha, broken down, roughly translates to dog demon.

'inu', meaning dog, and 'Yasha' being a slang/broken term of 'youkai' which means demon or other worldly (non human) creature. Often 'Yasha' is refered to mean half demon.

InuYasha is a half demon. His demon blood comes from his fathers side and his human blood comes from his mothers.
InuYasha is an excellent anime show!

InuYasha is very cute.

Did you know that InuYasha is only a half demon?
by TigerZahn March 15, 2005
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A very good animation based on fedual Japan. With interestion plot twists, with some love triangles thrown in.
by midori August 5, 2005
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