
What junior grimes (J grimes) is

His names Logan
Yo that white boy J is a bad influence, y’all better stay away from that grimes kid.

J grimes is infamous rather than “famous”
by Mystery box July 22, 2021
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Someone or something that is famous for having a bad reputation.
Infamous moments in pop culture include: the puffy shirt on Seinfeld, Tom Cruise's couch-humping (I mean jumping) incident, and of course Paris Hilton.
by AJV14 July 23, 2008
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The biggest ego you'll ever find on an individual
Wow, this guy has the ego of infamous
by Chrono69 April 12, 2020
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Infamous,or better known as 'Agg Towns Infamous',
is an underground rapper/lyricist from arlington,Texas.

his career started around 2005 but didnt officially launch off into the underground until 2007.
he is known for remaking tracks off instrumentals such as

knocking doors down,and seven minute freestyle,to certain slaughterhouse instrumentals such as cuckoo,and whack emcees instrumental.
he is known for an incomparable style of wordplay and for having a very nice flow.he has released one CD(unofficially) called Agg Town Verbatim,in 2009,and is expected to drop a following album,which will combine both his works from agg town verbatim 2 and 3,but will be called War On Mainstream Avenue.further information has not been released at this moment.
you can find infamous on websites such as,Zshare,,and youtube.
guy 1:say bro have you heard that new album that infamous dropped?

guy 2:nah,does it go hard?

guy 1:its fuckin amazing.

guy 2:really? im gonna go check him out on youtube!
by jay123149 July 23, 2010
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The Infamous

An amazing Mobb Deep album. Maybe one of their best.

Track Listing:
1.The Start Of Your Ending (41st Side)
2.The Infamous Prelude
3.Survival Of The Fittest
4.Eye For A Eye (Your Beef Is Mines)
5.Just Step Prelude
6.Give Up The Goods (Just Step)
7.Temperature's Rising
8.Up North Trip
9.Trife Life
10.Q.U. -- Hectic
11.Right Back At You
12.The Grave Prelude
13.Cradle To The Grave
14.Drink Away The Pain (Situations)
15.Shook Ones Pt. II
16.Party Over
The Infamous was an amazing record,it is one of Mobb Deep's best.
by Tommy Cease October 10, 2006
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being famous for something not good
Charles Manson is infamous for killing a ton of people and starting a cult.
by Tommy F. September 8, 2005
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someone that is well known for doing something bad
everybody knows scarface Tony Montana the infamous , Cuban immigrant that takes over a drug empire and went out like a G (Gangsta) at the end..
by badboibabi October 13, 2006
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