To drive a long, sharp object, like a harpoon or a spear, through someone's body so that they are attached to it. Often fatal. Attach the instrument to a wall for further amusement.
by John Q Moron May 5, 2004
A way of Torture where a sharpen sick is stabbed through a person and that person is hoisted up or a blunt wooden pole or stake is shoved up someones rectum and the victim is hoisted up, painfully slow death. Made famous by Vlad the impaler.
by Skunto October 14, 2018
To insert (usually in a rough manner) a large object or penis into a body cavity.
To stab with a large object.
To stab with a large object.
Person 1: "How was your night last night"
Person 2: "Great but I can barely walk, got impaled last night"
Rochelle got impaled by J last night!
Person 2: "Great but I can barely walk, got impaled last night"
Rochelle got impaled by J last night!
by CJRealtalk May 6, 2015
by mlqrt February 26, 2017
The term used by men with a large cock to describe exactly why their girlfriend/wife/mistress has an impaired ability to walk correctly.
Same term can be used by women to acurately describe how hung their boyfriend/husband/affair is.
Same term can be used by women to acurately describe how hung their boyfriend/husband/affair is.
Men: I fucking impaled that chick last night. She won't walk right for days.
Women: Omg, like, he took his massive shaft, and like, impaled me with it. I am so sore. I want more!
Women: Omg, like, he took his massive shaft, and like, impaled me with it. I am so sore. I want more!
by TheMysteriousCharmer April 19, 2016
Term used to identify a man with an extremely large penis, 32 feet or greater(that is an exageration stressing the size)
Dude that guy, has a massive wang, he could like, impale 10 chics on that thing, we should call him the impaler
by Jezus2.0 September 9, 2006
The nick-name given to a man with an extremely large penis, 32 feet or larger(this is an exageration stressing the size)
dude, that guy has a massive wang, he could like impale 10 chics on that thing
he should be called the impaler
he should be called the impaler
by Jezus2.0 September 10, 2006