Internet acronym for 'I Miss My Old Girlfriend But Not Really". It it used to communicate the nostalgia you have for an old girlfriend when you're dating someone who's way better but you still miss her sometimes.
Pronouned 'Immoge-beaner'
Pronouned 'Immoge-beaner'
Utahraptor: "IMMOGBNR".
T-rex: Immoge-beaner?
Utahraptor: "Yep! Stands for 'I Miss My Old Girlfriend But Not Really'. Used all the time.
T-rex: Immoge-beaner?
Utahraptor: "Yep! Stands for 'I Miss My Old Girlfriend But Not Really'. Used all the time.
by Silvergrunt May 27, 2008
Acronym standing for "I miss my old girlfriend, but not really." Used to express nostalgia for a girl you used to date, when you're dating someone much better.
by Secundus May 27, 2008
An acronym coined by Dinosaur Comic writer Ryan North, meaning "I Miss My Old Girlfriend, But Not Really." It is to be used when you "want to communicate the nostalgia you have for an old girlfriend when you're dating someone who's way better, but you still sometimes miss her."
by Brett (Nrbelex) May 27, 2008
"Yep! Stands for 'I miss my old girlfriend, but not really'. Used all the time".
"Yep! Stands for 'I miss my old girlfriend, but not really'. Used all the time".
by Batiu-Drami May 28, 2008
I miss my old girlfriend but not really. It's used to imply that your new girlfriend is must better then your old girlfriend, but you still miss the old girlfriend but not really.
by Nojim May 28, 2008
Internet acronym that stands for "I miss my old girlfriend but not really". Originally from dinosaur comics number 1230, May 27, 2008.
by Capt. America 98555 May 27, 2008
by Zakness May 28, 2008