When you achieve an RPM of above 100 thrusts during a sex session.
"Ay, baby! Add me for some hypersex with hot, young girls "- Some random hot girl who added you on Facebook
"My ex and I would always have the craziest hypersex! You RPM is way too low!" - Your girlfriend
by Hypersexboy August 8, 2021
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When you start fucking someone so hard and so fast that your penis and the girl you’re fucking’s pussy get fucking obliterated into atoms
John: Dude did you hear Alex had hypersex with Penny
Nick: Damn it dude I wanted to have hypersex with her
by I’m a disappointment October 23, 2020
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the act of having sex with a large number of people. It could be the sex a woman has with a large number of men and vice versa.
The girl has an STD. But it's not surprising given the fact that she is promiscuous and always indulges in hypersex the unprotective way.
by uttam maharjan April 6, 2010
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