In Undertale: A term describing a form of death where your SOUL merges back together after being destroyed, thus making it impossible to die whilst fighting Asriel, God of Hyperdeath.
Otherwise: A form of death that strengthens your soul.
(can't think of sentence for Hyperdeath)
by ArminArlert August 25, 2017
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A form of death in which one is killed so hard that they loop back around to being alive again.
by masokitsune January 27, 2019
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When you die but come back to life. This is in undertale, a game. Asriel is the god of hyperdeath.
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A term referring to an extreme, often dramatic or intense, manner of death experienced by someone or something.
“The villain’s final scene was a hyperdeath, involving a catastrophic explosion that obliterated everything in its path.”
by Trimzee June 26, 2024
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A death that kills every iteration of a being across all timelines- named so based on the idea that the fourth dimension is time, following the trend of a hypercube being a 4D cube. The term became popular after the release of the game Undertale, which features the character Asriel, who titles himself "The Absolute GOD of Hyperdeath."
Killing this iteration of you won't stop the threat you pose to innocents- I'll have to give you the release of hyperdeath.
by TyrianTyrell July 17, 2024
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Hyper (as a prefix) means to be above, beyond, over, etc.

Death is well death we all know that.

So hyperdeath would mean to be above death, over death, beyond death, etc.
by DummyIsTooDummySmart August 13, 2023
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