Hudson is the name of a boy who towers over people with his gigantic height. Looks intimidating, but is an absolute marshmallow. He has the Brauns but none of the brain. Losing the remaining brain cells on nuking everything in the microwave. Like a moth to a flame, Hudson seems to gravitate towards microwaves, destroying them in his path by forgetting he put metal in them. That is Hudson
“Yo what happened to my microwave?”

“Oh Hudson was here

Damn you Hudson”
by CarlWheezer69 May 27, 2021
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an absolute amazing person
everybody loves him and he is amazing

hudson: im awesome
everybody else: obisuly
Hudson op
Hudon sux
by Mr_Huddy88 March 9, 2020
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Got a fat cock no doubt. a sexy skinny athletic hunk with a 10 pack bigger than batmans face. All the girls... and men love his steamy and flirty face.
"Who's that thick assed hunk over there"? "must be Hudson".
by I_AM_HUDSON May 2, 2022
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One of the realist niggas
Aint never been fake
Sexy ass
Dick game is bubbalicious
Liking booty
Bro, you acting like skyon hudson.
I wanna be skyon hudson
by ThatOneMfNigga June 5, 2017
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basic bitch who cant handle her drink and gets smashed at every party. her hair is so shit and ratty it looks like a donkey tail but apart from that, she gets no ratings and noone likes her
your hair is sooooo issy hudson
by michaellight1999 March 10, 2017
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When you go to the store to buy a 12 pack or crayons and go home to stick all of them up your ass, and shit out a Rainbow
Little billy and his friends had the best Hudson River
by RoomService November 6, 2021
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The juices pouring from female genitalia when the woman is highly aroused. While the vagina represents Manhattan the streams on the inner thighs symbolises the Hudson River.
“I’ve got a Hudson River running down here.“

- “did you reach third base with her?”
- “yeah. I got my hand on some Hudson & Rose”
by TomBiggs July 28, 2020
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