In its most basic definition, labeling something as "hot garbage" is used when just calling it garbage (trash, rubbish, crap, shit, something of low quality) is too good for it.
It can be used to describe anything: movies, shows, music, politics, you name it. That's it.
It can be used to describe anything: movies, shows, music, politics, you name it. That's it.
All these other examples are hot garbage.
by BornAgainDragon September 28, 2018
by DowntownKB August 7, 2009
Hot Garbage
Definition: Something made with the utmost intention to be really good, ends up being hilariously bad to the point you say "Its soo bad its good. Here's my money"
Definition: Something made with the utmost intention to be really good, ends up being hilariously bad to the point you say "Its soo bad its good. Here's my money"
by ice76cold January 12, 2017
This is a person who has a sloppydemeanor and/or does not take care of themselves properly, but is found to still be attractive despite their garbageways.
Brtholomew: Hey Samsonite! Check this girl out. Looks like she got in a fight with a cougerin a mud wrestlingpit, but she's kind of hot.
Samsonite: Yeah man, she is straight up hot garbage.
Samsonite: Yeah man, she is straight up hot garbage.
by Manykains October 6, 2009
a girl who at one time was extremely good looking..... and then became a slut...but is still good looking
by Slovak_Ghost July 15, 2008
by KingKuntaKip August 6, 2018
Max is hot garbage at basketball, he airballs every shot and thinks he has an important role on the team.
by Ryan Pehlan February 27, 2018