(n) someone who is very greasy.
(adj) someone who wears mini shorts and a loose shirt, or has a muffin top going on.
(n) someone who is trailer trash, shops at the good will, etc.
(adj) someone who wears mini shorts and a loose shirt, or has a muffin top going on.
(n) someone who is trailer trash, shops at the good will, etc.
In Alliance, OH if you go to the Carnation Festival, you will see lots of hoopies wearing flannels, cut offs, greasy ass hair, not shaved face, and some might even have about 8 teeth or less.
by igetoffonthedaily July 28, 2011
Origin: Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio, Northern West Virginia where steel mills were prominent.
(n) A person who has a very low standard of living, gives absolutely 0 fucks about anything. Hoopies are often immune to illness and disease despite their inability to properly shower and brush their teeth. Although hoopies tend to be on the more unattractive side, they have a rather high level of self confidence, take pride in some sort of trade (that they are usually exceptional in), are usually above willing to help someone in need, and are uncomfortably comfortable around strangers... as in they say what they think and often times leave the house wearing stained or tattered clothing. Some women will often reject wearing a bra. Although this is not always the case, most hoopies lack strong ethnic traits and often have lightly colored hair and eyes.
(n) A person who has a very low standard of living, gives absolutely 0 fucks about anything. Hoopies are often immune to illness and disease despite their inability to properly shower and brush their teeth. Although hoopies tend to be on the more unattractive side, they have a rather high level of self confidence, take pride in some sort of trade (that they are usually exceptional in), are usually above willing to help someone in need, and are uncomfortably comfortable around strangers... as in they say what they think and often times leave the house wearing stained or tattered clothing. Some women will often reject wearing a bra. Although this is not always the case, most hoopies lack strong ethnic traits and often have lightly colored hair and eyes.
“This hoopie guy said he would change my breaks for just the cost of parts”
“Hannah’s mom is a real big hoopie, we’re talking flannels, drinks beer, farts in public, and she makes these really good pizza things on the campfire that wrapped up in foil.”
“Hannah’s mom is a real big hoopie, we’re talking flannels, drinks beer, farts in public, and she makes these really good pizza things on the campfire that wrapped up in foil.”
by Katie10m10 May 17, 2019
When someone is caught in the act of doing something pointless, they are referred to as a "hoopie." Kinda of like a "dumb blonde."
by Softballislife July 3, 2009
Southern, or at least Okie-speak meaning an older or at least "rundown" car. My Dad used it all the time.
by okiegpabeau January 18, 2010
by JCShutout March 16, 2005
1. A slang term used in the northern Ohio Valley regarding people from the northern West Virginian panhandle as well as people who live in rural areas.
2. A derogatory term that can be used as a substitute for hillbilly or hick.
origin- One possible origin of the term hoopy comes from the 19th century in the Ohio Valley during the industrial revolution. Workers created metal or steel "hoops" that they would then use to manufacture barrels. These barrels would be sold to companies for shipping products around the country. The term gained a deragatory connotation as these jobs were considered to be performed by low-skilled, low-wage workers who were either immigrants or came from the local, rural areas. Several producers were located in the northern West Virginia panhandle which had a lot of steel and lumber production at the time, thus the association with West Virginians.
2. A derogatory term that can be used as a substitute for hillbilly or hick.
origin- One possible origin of the term hoopy comes from the 19th century in the Ohio Valley during the industrial revolution. Workers created metal or steel "hoops" that they would then use to manufacture barrels. These barrels would be sold to companies for shipping products around the country. The term gained a deragatory connotation as these jobs were considered to be performed by low-skilled, low-wage workers who were either immigrants or came from the local, rural areas. Several producers were located in the northern West Virginia panhandle which had a lot of steel and lumber production at the time, thus the association with West Virginians.
by Ohio sarge August 24, 2013
see above definition, but anywhere in the Pennsylvania-West Virginia-Ohio tri-state region. Usually associated with trailer parks, dirty hair, and heavy metal band tee-shirts. See trucks and dirtbikes and hoopie mall.
If you drive down to Brady's Run in the spring, past the trialer park, you'll pass all them hoopies out with their 70's era cars on blocks and their Natty Ice.
by TheConcierge April 14, 2005