A term originating on the main-line

1.V- To have joke go way over your head, only to get it 30 seconds after anyone else

2.V- To then lean sideways in your chair after getting the joke
Person 1: That joke is too offensive to say

Person 2: Who cares? They'll just pull a hoke anyway.
by murderleg July 30, 2016
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1. Verb- To have a joke go way over your head

2. Verb- To laugh so hard after understanding the joke you lean on your side
I can't even chill with him because if I do he'll pull a hoke on me
by murderleg March 3, 2016
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A derogatory term used to call someone a hoe and joke at the same time
Person 1: Damn, Chance is such a hoke!

Person 2: Dude, wtf. that's a bit harsh don't you think
by Zeekermaphone August 27, 2023
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