The act of beasting someone else's entire alotment of food (especially french fries) when given (or having implicit) permission to have a small amount
Marc: "Can I have a fry?"
Todd: "Yeah"
Marc: "Thanks"
Todd: "You Hirshed my fries! They are all gone!"
by DMM and Peth April 26, 2004
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A big asshole who steals fries. Don´t trust him.
That Hirsh just stole my fries!
by fhkwejl,hads January 23, 2018
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Someone known for hanging out with Sheehan. Also a tard, but to a lesser extend.
"Dogg Hirsh, are we retarded?"
"Yeah dogg, i think we are"
"Dogg we must be the most retarded people on earth"
"Dogg, I think you're right!"
by Poisonicnuke August 25, 2004
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a gimp struggler who makes good use of hotel rooms at tournaments
Example -

Hirsh: what's your room number?
Baskind/Aram/Krill: Room 69
Hirsh: excellent
by Ted Belch October 9, 2004
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The poop of all poops. The ultimate shit. The smell could contaminate entire nations. One whiff and your life is in danger. Anyone in a 1 mile proximity must stop drop and get the fuck out. This is not a joke. Get to safety
I went to a hotel room and my buddy took a Hirsh Poop and we had to evacuate the hotel.
by no range no game March 20, 2018
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The poop of all poops. The ultimate shit. The smell could contaminate entire nations. One whiff and your life is in danger. Anyone in a 1 mile proximity must stop drop and get the fuck out. This is not a joke. Get to safety
My friend took a Hirsh poop the other day and we had to evacuate the house and leave town
by no range no game March 21, 2018
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A great Baseball player that will make it to the league easily. No doubt in my mind
by March 28, 2024
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