One who sees fellow diners have wine remaining in each of their glasses and then buries the rest of the bottle into his glass—far beyond a proper pour!
We were enjoying a fine Cabernet when Craig grabbed the bottle and Hansonned the rest of the wine into his glass!
by MarciCaRoCo February 15, 2022
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An Ollie Hanson is a person who's insanely queer, he never stops flirting with the boys in his class.
He also actively participates in a monthly munging sesh with the physics lads.
Finn: Ew he's so gay, definitely an Ollie Hanson.
by Fin Mowbray February 14, 2020
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Someone who gets fooled into taking 89 Mel Renfro Card and Loses his shit!
Hey, did ya hear that Hanson took Menfro? What a dumbass!
by tragicbronson32 December 31, 2022
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Hanson are ambitious, determined, materialistic and strong. They will keep going when others would've given up ten miles back. This makes them great partners in life, as well as friends or collaborators. Hanson tend to keep small circles, but are loyal and supportive of their friends and loved ones. Hanson overthinks alot but if you support him, he will be happy and treat you like a queen. When he start to fell in love with that girl, he will not give up and do anything to make that girl like her. He also hold grudges, are moody, and can act short-tempered. He have a hard time going through change, especially if it's something they've grown accustomed to. If you ever meet a guy like Hanson, please don't leave him, be friend with him. He is shy to interact with others, but once you start hanging out with him, he will be loud and crazy. Hanson is the best guy I have ever seen! He don't forget transgressions, but willing to forgive, especially if you have a long history together. Hanson naturally prefer being around small groups of people they know very well, so they make an effort to keep old relationships strong.
If you ever meet a guy like Hanson, go hang out with him.
by BestFriendsForever126 November 22, 2021
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A guy with platinum hair, he forgets very easily and never keeps his words. Don't waste your time on these guys. They also have an addiction to porn. If you fall in love they will break your heart.
by strawberrysky123 August 24, 2022
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