To gather, consume, and horde hungrily, obsessively, as in money-grubbing and power-grubbing; without a hyphenated modifier, the action verb that describes how gluttons behave with food.
He was a money-grubbing, power-grubbing monstrosity, who would allow no law or moral imperative to obstruct the expansion of his media and propaganda empire.
by morbidius April 12, 2013
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In Gears of War, COG slang for Locust soldiers, called this because of their tendancy to pop up from the ground in holes also called grub holes.
Damn I just killed 3 grubs within 5 seconds!
by TheDuhMan August 6, 2008
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verb: to eat, especially heartily
grubbed: past tense of grub
My stomach's eating my backbone dude, let's stop and grub.

Dude, I left my shades back where we grubbed!
by shankus November 30, 2004
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Shortened version of grubby; an adjective to describe one's uncleanliness.
"Err my feet are well grub"
"I've never seen anyone as grub as that in all my life"
by grandmafunk July 3, 2006
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In L.A. slang something that is extremely delicious and fulfills a deep hunger, especially when one is drunk and or high.
Damn, that Burrito was grub as fuck!!!
by BobbySax September 10, 2010
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a person who is an overall cheap ass, unable to pay for other peoples expenses yet alone their own. generally unclean, smells bad, wears same clothes for days on end, showers on an annual basis.
David Mickleburgh: I've got 5 cents to spare, whos gonna buy me food and some new clothes

Person 1: Youre such a fucking grub
by muckface fcgeezacks September 19, 2009
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