

1. To get/make bigger.

2. To develop, spiritually and/or physically.

3. To plant and help along, be it a plant or a feeling.
1. How much baking soda does it take to cause this batter to grow by double it's present size when it's baked?

2. You are growing up to be a very weird dog, Mr. Barky Von Schnauzer. As for me, I'm staying preetty much da same, not maturing or really changing.

3. I grew these strawberries in my backyard. Whaddya think?
by Frogs McGee January 28, 2011
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Throwing sunflower seeds all over the freaking place.
ha i threw a sunflower seed on u, now GROW!!!!
by Jose Elstande November 22, 2004
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some one who beats off at a friends house

someone whos on creatine and always cocky
NICK grow haha haha
by Jeffery c April 6, 2008
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It means nothing. Yet stands for everything.
Use it how you choose.
"Way to grow!"

"Let's grow."

"Grower, Why don't you grow over here anymore?"

"Are you growing later?"
by amberx53 November 9, 2006
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The level of adulthood someone has reached
Can also be used in comparison of two individuals. Your growness is too much for me !
by Jehdhj22 June 12, 2013
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Code for negros when you need to keep it on the DL.
Damn, you see all those grows?
by chode12 December 15, 2008
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marijuana grown in water not dirt, see hydro.
by No_doz February 25, 2005
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