yo man, I am a broke ass sucka and all I gots is this fiver, how bout' breakin' me off a nickelbag of that dank shit you got?
by Nickelbag O' Funk September 13, 2003
5 dollars worth of pot. Usually used when talking to a dealer.
The example below is from the movie Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back. If you haven't seen it, get off your ass and rent it.
The example below is from the movie Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back. If you haven't seen it, get off your ass and rent it.
Guy: Lemme get a nickelbag
Jay: 15 bucks, little man. Put that shit, in my hand. If the money doesn't show than you owe me, owe me, owe.
(he already owed him $10)
i)I just smoked a nickelbag worth of pot.
ii)Did you even get a high?
Guy: Lemme get a nickelbag
Jay: 15 bucks, little man. Put that shit, in my hand. If the money doesn't show than you owe me, owe me, owe.
(he already owed him $10)
i)I just smoked a nickelbag worth of pot.
ii)Did you even get a high?
by drinkingbeersbeersbeers August 20, 2007
by SPpride_805 July 9, 2004
1):originally meant to describe a female meth addict who would do "anything or anyone" for a $5 bag of dope.
2): updated to include any person addicted to drugs (male or female) who actions and thought are without moral/integrity/self respect/self control/conscience or normal human behavior. Or just don't give a fuck.
3): a person who will work for drugs.
2): updated to include any person addicted to drugs (male or female) who actions and thought are without moral/integrity/self respect/self control/conscience or normal human behavior. Or just don't give a fuck.
3): a person who will work for drugs.
1): Example- "Hey, I hear ____ will give head for a hit of dope."
2): Example- refer to example#1 and add will also nibble corn,(corn nibbler).
3): Example-"Nickelbag chores for Nickelbag whores." "______will do dishes and clean your house for a nickel bag."
2): Example- refer to example#1 and add will also nibble corn,(corn nibbler).
3): Example-"Nickelbag chores for Nickelbag whores." "______will do dishes and clean your house for a nickel bag."
by B.Nasty@only1nstyncklbag January 1, 2022
I was was listeing to my Miles Davis vinyl, when I though "i could use a "nickelbag o funk", bitch!"
by da funk monk January 11, 2011