Green and blue


I’m sorry I had to do this ❤️❤️❤️
by July 24, 2021
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Green and Blue

The pairing name for the two main characters of the Halo series, the Master Chief and his A.I partner, Cortana. "Green and Blue" is also the name of a track in the Halo 4 Original Soundtrack.


The song plays at the end of the Halo 4 Campaign, where the Master Chief is seen in a blue bubble-like hardlight shield, and is confronted by Cortana, only to be told that she cannot accompany him away from The Composer, as the physical remains of her is down at the site of the debris from The Composer.
Player 1: Who's your favorite gaming coupling?

Player 2: Green and Blue, of course!

Player 3: Damn.. the track "Green and Blue" cannot be listened to without being accompanied by depression and tears.
by MagmaticLizard December 2, 2012
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that color that people give when they can't decide if they like blue or green better. just pick one for crap's sake!
what's your favorite color?
-ohh it's green/blue
which is it dumbass?? green or blue?
by srfbunni10 July 11, 2008
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green before the blue

a police officer that puts getting money before his responsibilities as an officer
"i just paid that cop to lemme off witht that drug possession charge"

"man, he must put green before the blue, i love cops like that!"
by kateluda123 May 1, 2008
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The seven colors of the rainbow, also the same colors of the pride flag for LGBTQ.
Dude 1: What are the colors of the rainbow.
Dude 2: Umm.. it's red orange yellow green blue indigo violet.
Dude 3 in the corner: HAHA! YOU GAY!
by BlackSoul659 March 5, 2022
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Green Blue Same Time

The Best song ever made, made by the amazing band Indigo Blu
Idiot (Clearly Colour blind): what you listening to ?
Gigachad: Green Blue Same Time
Idiot: Red Brown Same Time I don't know I'm colour blind.
by Slipperylemurstan7412 September 12, 2022
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