The usually-unconscious act of turning the object of one's romantic desires into a representation of some sort of ideal - a metaphorical "green light" shining across a bay. Often taken to the point where even if one were to successfully court that person, it would be unsatisfying as they would be humanly incapable of living up to the dreamlike figure they'd been built into.
A: Why won't Jay just talk to her if he likes her so much?

B: He's been totally green-lighting her. Even if he manages it, she's not the person he wants to think she is.
by Jordan Not-Baker February 19, 2013
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When someone uses a green laser to shine at someone else’s face to distract or inconvenience them from what they are doing.
During the playoff match between Senegal and Egypt, angry Senegalese fans were caught to green-light Mohammedan player, Mohamed Salah, besides throwing glass and rocks at the Egyptian team.
by Covido March 30, 2022
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1. to approve something

2. permission to do something
(from the green traffic light indicating that vehicles may proceed)
Give him the green-light to post the video.
by The Return of Light Joker November 25, 2007
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A) Parental approval of your significant other and/or permission to get married

B) right to get high or wasted in public and do other retargerous activities
If you're under 25 please get a green light especially for def a).
by Sexydimma December 30, 2022
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A green light is when someone is goin to kill u and only u
damn fool i got the green light from the rival

theres a song called green light it goes like this"
by SPOOKS June 16, 2004
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A light version of Rolling Rock beer which doesn't quite taste like liquid hotdogs/urine/
by bullnuts April 5, 2005
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Thought to have been started in the UK by "chavs". A man will wear a green shirt with popped collar to show he is free for sex with anyone, be it a man or woman. Anyone willing to join him needs only to approach him and pop his collar down, claiming sexual rights to him. Started a few years ago and has spread slowly and is still largely unknown however many parent groups consider it dangerous and force strict clothing rules upon their kids as a result, as well as telling others to do the same!
I saw this kid at the club the other night with a green shirt and his collar popped up. An older dude came up to him and popped his collar back down, and then the two headed off towards the bathroom. They was green lighting.
by Max Money July 3, 2005
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