by iliketogototown April 7, 2010
"Boy howdy, Tom Cruise is just goin' to town on those ninja assassins."
"That kid can really go to town on a dance floor."
"He kissed her a few times, then they really went to town."
"That kid can really go to town on a dance floor."
"He kissed her a few times, then they really went to town."
by Jon Turner November 23, 2005
An expression often used in Ye Olde England to denote the act of partaking in vigorous sexual acts or coitus with a bevvy of eager slappers.
by poja August 12, 2004
Look at all those ants working. Ants always go to town when it comes to work.
That kid will go to town on his studies. He'll definitely get an A
That kid will go to town on his studies. He'll definitely get an A
by Rimon January 12, 2011
vigorus sexual activity.
by the phantom May 23, 2004
The act of vigorous sexual activity. When someone gets really horny they use the phrase "go to town". Same as he wanna get in your pants.
by GreatGf December 14, 2009
I was in the middle of some hot relations with my boyfriend and that mo fo said no mo. So I said you dang ripped me off. I'm going to town.
by Rocker J May 2, 2015