A person from the northern half of Wales. Descendant from Apes. Recently. Like, last week.
Give a Gog a Banana and he's happy.
by Idris Thrupwhistle August 27, 2003
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(esp. in Scouse) person from North Wales
(pos orig from Welsh "goggledd" = North)
the pub was full of fuckin Gogs
by dilbert scrunchie June 20, 2003
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comes from the sport of paintball. When a person in shot in the mask. You are "gogged" it refers to getting shot in the goggles.
HAHA You got gogged!
by Chris Kenison December 14, 2004
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'Gog' person of north walian decent from the Welsh word 'Gogledd' as opposed to 'fuckwit' used to describe South Walians.
North or south Wales?
Gog then?
yep, you?
Nope, from the south me, i'm a fuckwit.
too right you are
by Matty April 1, 2005
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gog typically can be defined in two ways. either when one is extremely intoxicated and attempts to drunk text "got em" to UTI yet fails and accidentally types "gog em" and is unable to receive the UTI. or when you prank, hook up, help out, or pester someone, most of the time when you puck them. especially If chips and white dots are involved.
chip: hey do you wanna gog tonight?
random girl: not tonight! I gotta study for my gography test tomorrow, thanks though.
by yamsie69 December 6, 2013
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