Enormous female genitalia (sometimes swollen due to overuse or infectious inflamation)
I wouldn't go near that cheap hooker if i were you man, that skank has the ginormous going on big time.

You can tell by the way she walks she's ginormous.
by JSC April 13, 2005
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adjective: so gigantic and so enormous that it is entirely necessary to cram gigantic-enormous together to convey the true size of the item.
"The earth is a speck of dust compared to the ginormous size of the universe".

"The "99" restaurant serves ginormous portions of food per platter compared to say, "Applebees" or "Denny's".

by Siagiah Karlsson December 26, 2006
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It's Fuckin' Huge!!!!!!!!!
That is a Ginormous Penis!!!
by sg1maniac February 29, 2008
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A combination of the words gigantic and enormous, but even better.
by Kelly February 28, 2004
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Way bigger than big or ginmormous. like way way way way way way way way way way way way totally big
Holy shit that asteroid is ginormous
by dudemanguy October 15, 2003
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