A phrase usually synonymous with the slang phrase "word". It may convey happiness, sadness and anything in-between. It can be used as a noun, adjective, adverb or verb.
Joe:Did any of you see the new Mario movie? I thought it was Gator.
Devon: I'm gonna try to Gator tomorrow.
Zay:Nah, I heard it was Gator though.
by Saint Mantooth April 10, 2023
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That song is gator!!!
by ABDR September 29, 2022
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girl #1 "hey have you seen that guy we graduated with from Sterling in 2000 he was so hottt.

girl 2 "I have not seen him in years, but i bet if we go to gator's we will seee him there.
by SHHSchick May 29, 2011
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When magic Johnson shares his Gatorade bottle with you during a game
Magic J: Here buddy have some of my Gatorade
Guy: Oh wow thanks Buddo!
Magic J: "laughs" Ha you faggot loser, i have aids and they were in my Gatoradey, You now have Gator-Aids!
Man: No my virginity is ruined!!
by Mr.werbenjagermanjensen jr November 16, 2017
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Using cum or feces rubbed on your body to ward off gators on Ragnar Trail runs.
Erika chose cum rather than feces rubbed on her body as gator repellent during the Ragnar Trail run (She even swallowed a load for good measure). With the help of the Gator repellent Erika finished the trail in record time. Good choice Erika!
by Papa Smurf blue baller June 11, 2017
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A man that likes to tap that asshole
Mike likes to ruin his girlfriends ass with his meat. He’s a relentless Booty Gator.
by Dr. Bocaciac October 18, 2018
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refering to a friend who does something stupidly silly . (Wally=Wanker) & (Gator=stupid person or animal) a wallygator exist and a wallydile is no such thing .
A nicer way of saying to someone your a dickhead is by simply saying your a wallygator which causes less of a comeback .
Wally gator ~ Whats up Skip ? Did Timmy fall down the well again, he is such a ''wallygator ''.
I was walking up the stairs today and tripped ' im such a wallygator
by Aussie lad August 12, 2010
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