by Massive legend 78 December 16, 2018
A types of people where 20% of them are children, 90% a virgin, 99% lives in someone else's house, and 100% a pro.
Guy 1:Hey, You. Gamer! Your a looser.
Guy 2:Don't you play fortnite?
Guy 1:...Yes.
Guy 2:Ha! Minecraft is better you Kile!
Guy 2:Don't you play fortnite?
Guy 1:...Yes.
Guy 2:Ha! Minecraft is better you Kile!
by WeegeeCool August 25, 2019
An oppressed group by society
by QuickBoi October 19, 2018
People who like to indulge in games to relax and have fun. It makes for a good time when you can blow the ever living shit out of your friends with a rocket launcher and then riddle their body with bullets. I don't understand why everyone makes fun of gamers because it's a hobby... much like masturbating
by Slap Jack May 24, 2005
A gamer is someone (can be male or female) who plays games more than once a week (sometimes even 2 or 3 times a day). I'll just have all you haters out there know that most gamers are not socially handicapped, nerds, and usually have a hell of a lot more friends than non-gamers. Also, if any of you haters out there spent any time at all in the daylight instead of on the internet bashing gamers, maybey you would see that the gaming community is a LOT bigger than you imagined, and I bet that you will find at least one person you know is a gamer.
by exo9b June 22, 2004
One who games. A gamer does not necessarilly have to play video games. I don't understand why every single definition of gamer on this site says they must play video games. Video gamers are not the only type of gamers. There are the gamers who play Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), gamers who do LARPs (Live Action Roleplaying), and gamers who just play board games. Some poker players even consider themselves gamers.
Video Gamer: Dude, why do your friends suck so much at Halo? I thought you said they were all gamers?
D&D Gamer: Well yeah...but they aren't video gamers. We play D&D twice a month.
D&D Gamer: Well yeah...but they aren't video gamers. We play D&D twice a month.
by Fat Tony Giovanni March 20, 2007
(n.) a "Gamer" is someone, male or female, who plays video games often. There is no limit to certain games, nor is there a limit to certain consoles. Playing on a computer does not make one more of a "gamer" than one who plays on different consoles. Someone who plays shooter type games does not make them more of a "gamer" than one who plays racing games, either. There are different types of gamers who play different types of games at different lengths of time.
Jimmy is a gamer, he plays Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto regularly on his Xbox 360. Billy is a gamer too, who is always playing a variety of indie games and Minecraft. Jimmy says Billy is not a gamer because indie games are not hardcore. Billy says Jimmy is not a real gamer because he still plays on a console. Both need to go suck a cock.
by kaunua July 1, 2013