A person who plays games. A person who doesn't only play a single genre of gaming or a single console/handheld, thats a fanboy/girl. A gamer is one who games and knows it is a way of life. A Gamer is the highest level of being. Believe what you want,but gamers are the "ones". We Fucking Own.
by nafistehgamer January 29, 2008
Any person who plays video games for a hobby. You have your recreational gamer who plays games only once or twice a week. You have your typical gamer who plays games once every day or every other day for a couple hours. Then you have the uber-gamers who dedicate their life to playing video games, either because of an unhealthy addiction or something job related.
by reckless April 27, 2004
a guy who gets so much dubs in games
gamers are incredibly cool and are 70% of the population
they want school to burn down, they also want to not do chores anymore
gamers are incredibly cool and are 70% of the population
they want school to burn down, they also want to not do chores anymore
by Shitloads of Godzillas May 8, 2022
A person who plays video games for fun as a pastime or hobby. Anyone who says a gamer is almost always beyond this is not telling the truth.
by Anonymous June 27, 2005
A racial slur referring to people who play video games. This term is on the same level as the n word and is not to be used lightly.
by Reuberg April 13, 2019
by SadboyMqtthew69 December 28, 2019