In chess when you lose your Queen because you just arent paying attention, or are distracted by too many other things. Popular on chess streams on Twitch. Used also in an attempt to save face because the blunder you just let happen was just silly
Man, I was trying to eat a bahn mi, read chat, and play blitz and I ended up playing the Botez Gambit and losing my Queen and the game.
by Mcgwicko April 4, 2019
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The untimely and prolonged malfunction of an internet connection resulting in great inconvenience, such as the forfeiture of an online chess match/tournament. Dubbed by the chess master and Youtube personality Jerry (ChessNetwork).

This phrase is a merging of two terms: the terrible internet provider (Comcast) with the chess term (gambit), a tactical and deliberate sacrifice of a chess piece. However, the Comcast Gambit is unique from all others in that it fails to be either voluntary or tactical.
1. Marcellus, with the black pieces, found himself in a superior position with a time advantage in a blitz chess match. To his opponent's relief, the Comcast Gambit was then played, resulting in an immediate win for white.

2. After completing his essay final by 11:55 pm, Leland proceeded to submit it online before the 11:59 pm deadline. However, his shoddy internet service was down -- a textbook Comcast Gambit.
by Sinchronize January 2, 2013
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In chess, much like a Botez Gambit , except it is a rook blunder. Seen often by titled chess master and twitch-partnered chess streamer, Anna-Maja Kazarian.
"Thank you (streamer) for raiding with a party of 34! How was your stream?? I hope you had a good one! Welcome, raiders! We're trying to win here, <giggles> but it looks like I hung another rook!" Chat: -spams "Kazarian Gambit"-
by stroopwafelpineapplepizza October 20, 2020
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When you sacrifice your ethics in order to win a chess game using a computer engine
Oh I see my opponent used the zerodha gambit to defeat me
by admiral_general June 24, 2021
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An intimidation move where one player sacrifices their queen for seemingly, and actually, no strategic advantage. The purpose of which is to "psych" out ones opponent, making them think that they have fallen or are falling for a play they can't find because it doesn't exist. If ones opponent falls for the cum gambit they are essentially allowing a queen free offense for a round.
Tom, the fucking idiot, would've had mate in four. But instead of taking he fell for Jerry's cum gambit and lost his rook and got his king put in check.
by SadCholo June 1, 2021
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A poor strategy, an unwise move, or a dangerous maneuver.
Sharon told Dave she was on birth control, so that he wouldn't use a condom. Dave decided not to pull out and now Sharon is pregnant. It was a fool's gambit.
by bostoncasey December 17, 2016
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A magestic scheme played by a user who unintentionally blunders, but then suddenly finds an insane checkmate.
by nuclearkoalabear April 8, 2021
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