Ref: The Simpsons
The haze of confusion experinced by 'old folks'. Like confused only more acute and just for oldies.
'i'm not fusticated, i'm 96 you know' *wags finger*
by Mark Jones January 22, 2004
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what the supreme court gives to people
if you are bad jinal fustice might come back to haunt you
extremely contagious
"i got some bad jinal fustice from my dad"
by _Dr. Evil February 15, 2003
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Fustice is a word that can be used in many ways. It can be used to exemplify excitement, overall suckiness or a state of unknown drama. This unknown drama can be defined as when a girl and boy had feelings for each other, and one of them lost their feelings while the others amplified over time and is oblivious.
Example 1: Ms. Gaca is a real Fustice.

Example 2: I'm so Fusticed about the new season of stranger things!

Example 3: I have a Fustice with Karen.
by Shhhh it's a secret October 5, 2020
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