The PINNACLE of the drunkenness scale, far more than ‘drunk’ and certainly levels higher than ‘wasted’
One is only well and truly fuckfaced when they can’t stand up, let alone walk…
The less you can talk, the more fuckfaced you are
One is only well and truly fuckfaced when they can’t stand up, let alone walk…
The less you can talk, the more fuckfaced you are
‘I want to get well and truly fuckfaced tonight’
‘Brad is such a lightweight, he was fuckfaced after 3 drinks!’
‘Brad is such a lightweight, he was fuckfaced after 3 drinks!’
by Lord Andreas II September 5, 2021
When you get really really drunk and are passed the point of being shit-faced. You get so drunk you are fuckfaced.
To be fuckfaced is hilarious to everyone except the one who is fuckfaced. The one who is fuckfaced usually does something highly embarrassing.
To be fuckfaced is hilarious to everyone except the one who is fuckfaced. The one who is fuckfaced usually does something highly embarrassing.
"Dude you were so drunk last night."
"Man no I wasn't"
"Do you even remember what happened?"
"Not really man. What happened?"
"Well you got so drunk that you stripped down, painted your penis and put a costume on it, and walked up to random girls and said 'Don't worry citizen. SuperPenis will save you from the villianous VaginaMonster!' And tried to have sex with them so 'SuperPenis' could save them by pounding the 'VaginaMonster' into submission."
"Dude that's not drunk. I was completely fuckfaced."
"Hahaha yeah you were. And it was hilarious."
"Not to me."
"Well it was to the rest of us."
"Man no I wasn't"
"Do you even remember what happened?"
"Not really man. What happened?"
"Well you got so drunk that you stripped down, painted your penis and put a costume on it, and walked up to random girls and said 'Don't worry citizen. SuperPenis will save you from the villianous VaginaMonster!' And tried to have sex with them so 'SuperPenis' could save them by pounding the 'VaginaMonster' into submission."
"Dude that's not drunk. I was completely fuckfaced."
"Hahaha yeah you were. And it was hilarious."
"Not to me."
"Well it was to the rest of us."
by AlphaBitch14 May 9, 2013
a person who, eloquently speaking, is such a complete and utterly disgrace to mankind. Otherwise, if he is a friend, this is a compliment
by djs October 4, 2003
Describes a person that demonstrates many of the worst characteristics known among all humankind; e.g. dishonesty, cruelty, narcissism, criminality, thievery, lack of empathy, etc.
by RayRayBeLove 2018 November 10, 2018
Someone who you hate that makes you angry just looking at their face that you want to angrily yell “Fuck!” An ugly person who is a complete asswipe of a human. An annoying, person who’s stupid face shouldn’t exist on this planet.
by Carsnb March 10, 2019
Originally military slang term for a soldier with a fucked up shave or who was just plain ugly. Now is used to describe assholes or just dumb people.
by Warpig107 February 26, 2015
Having the disease of being a fuckface
I haven't seen you in a while, I thought you died but its good to see they found a cure for fuckfaceitis.
by Gcolo November 22, 2006