A popular fanfiction about two beans named Tyler Joseph, the lead singer/screamer, and Joshua Dun, the drummer for the alternative band Twenty one pilots, where Josh, the boy with blue hair, mocha eyes, and c major lips, only exists in Tyler's mind until they fall in love and they do the dirty. Tyler then is convinced Josh isn't real and proceeds to burn down their tree house with him inside.
You haven't read the forest fic yet? Hold on I'm bringing tissues
by Deejio March 15, 2017
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One of the biggest and best Dungeons And Dragons youtubers, you should subscribe to him.
Puffin Forest made the DND character known as Absurd, who is now a meme.
by lordgrim the invcbke October 27, 2020
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porn in a physical format topically a magazine or pages out of such magazines that are either discarded or left with the intent to turn on in a forest or wooded area, for people to come across at a later date and do with as they please.
person 1: hey is that forest porn over there

person 2: yeah lets wank over it together, but no Homo
by thattotallycoolguy October 4, 2015
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The infamous Hozier is an irish indie rock singer. His music makes you feel like laying in a river in the middle of the forest to contemplate life. His music is absolutely underrated and he deserves to be known for his other music and not just take me to church
He's tall, has long gorgeous hair, and smexy
Hozier is the one and only forest daddy
by crackasscrackdad June 19, 2020
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A forest in Japan near Mt. Fuji where people come to commit suicide. Similar to the Golden Gate Bridge. Volunteers go inside the forest to search for any dead and ward people off. It is said that the place has evil spirits or a wicked aura around it.
We headed to suicide forest to count how many people were there.
by ONI Operator February 28, 2012
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a healthy growth in the pubic region, usually applied to gay men.
"Randy had an impressive hip-to-hip fuck forest - got lost in those pubes!"
by bizguy October 9, 2013
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