25 definitions by lordgrim the invcbke

The Hoarlock incinerated 3 bandits and then teleported away.
by lordgrim the invcbke October 21, 2020
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The evilest god ever.
Jim: What did Math fab Mathonwy do?
Greg: He invented math.
by lordgrim the invcbke October 21, 2020
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One of the evilest actresses ever,

she is best known for abusing Jonny Depp and taking a shit in his bed.
She said that jonny abused her, which is obviously a lie, but Warner bros fired Jonny anyway.
Warner bros should rehire Jonny Depp, fire Amber heard and make a public apology.
Amber Turd is evil.
by lordgrim the invcbke November 10, 2020
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A Spellcaster that learned their Magic, has access to many spells. A Wizard is also considered a Mage and a Zauberer.
Blackpowder learned his magic at a school, thus, he is a wizard.
by lordgrim the invcbke October 12, 2020
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