Sergio Giovanni Kitchens,also known as Gunna,or Young Gunna
drip is being dressed real good,and Gunna is the god at it
Example: "Gunna is the drip god,no cap"
by Fabrizio1800 February 3, 2022
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Exclamation used to express surprise, annoyance, or excitement

Also sometimes spelled “oh, my god,” “oh my God/god,” and “omigod
Oh, my God! Why won’t my car start!”
by December 19, 2022
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The man, the myth, the legend, this person known as "in God we trust" or shorter."God" is truly the greatest as he is a true genius he is able to do anything he wishes he is someone everyone loves so to be called "In God we trust" is a way to call someone the greatest at everything
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An equivalency that states that the limina superimposes a Newtonian limit on each irrational number in linear time; creating prime numbers.

Q^star = Prime.
In Q* = Prime (The God Equation) the limina superimposes Newtonian limits through ultranihilism onto irrational numbers on the circle of pan-contiguity; creating prime numbers.

The limina infinity-overlapping-with-uncountability is the prime limit.
by flightfacilities May 31, 2021
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a god of money (but not much money), blesses you with small fortunes
I’d like to thank the scrap god for this nug of weed on the floor
by gay4lifendlove January 26, 2019
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darwin: "woah you are scrap god"
noémie: "woah thank you" *dies*
by dinge2422\ June 22, 2022
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