4 definitions by in God we trusts lover💗💕

He’s quite an astounding man, he’s very cultured he’s known for being an E Sex emperor, everyone on planet earth should be enslaved by him for he is god
“Omg You’re So Cool you’re acting like Yachiru rn
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Grandfather Yhwach is a wannabe Father Yhwach but with an oddly concerning god complex. The videos he posts are absolutely outlandishly ridiculously terrifying. To be called Grandfather Yhwach means you're a suspicious looking character
"bro lowkey you're such a grandfather Yhwach"
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Grandfather Yhwach a true king amongst kings a god amongst gods, one who should not be challenged, for I worship this man like he is a savior, for he is a savior. Grandfather Yhwach is the greatest human being on planet earth, the number 1 Crisptard hater, The sexiest man in the multiverse and a god for Yhwach is our king and I worship him
"you can not be compared to the man as great as Grandfather Yhwach"
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The man, the myth, the legend, this person known as "in God we trust" or shorter."God" is truly the greatest as he is a true genius he is able to do anything he wishes he is someone everyone loves so to be called "In God we trust" is a way to call someone the greatest at everything
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