Rudiger: dude i just got a foot to the balls
Gunter: Thats gonna hurt in the mornin
by The silent shart July 2, 2018
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Nuclear retardation diesease where foot grows out of testi satchel
My uncle went to chernobyl and came back with a bad case of foot ball.
by General Asswipe July 7, 2006
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Playing foot ball in a persons room and tackling eachother ito objects such as walls and tables, breaking things.
Boys, stop playing bedroom football, you are going to break something.
by jack Os December 7, 2002
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When young boys "play football" in their room, normally just a chance to jump on top of each other on their beds and have a good time gay sex
Lets go play football in my room *wink wink*
by Benji December 14, 2002
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When a man jumps out of a jumbo jet at 10,000 feet in the air without a parachute, lands on a trampoline, then lands on to a fence nearby smashing his testicles.
"hey man, did you hear, that skydiver forgot his parachute and he did a 10,000 foot ball smasher in mr. jenkin's yard"
by pingas pete April 14, 2010
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