24 definitions by Benji

1st definition
When you completely own or destroy somebody in any circumstance. The form of own-age can range from anything from answering a question before a completely random individual to killing an opponent in the heat of battle.

2nd definition
Rallied- the act of wrecking shop

3rd definition
Rallied - when a person, place, or thing is affected in any negative fashion

4th definition - the act of being schooled or served (when saying served exagerate the "rv" portion and precede with a phrase like you sucka's got seRVed)
1. The following statement: "12 months ago a young boy gets hit by a freight train when riding his bike across the railroad tracks. As his body lands his remains are picked at by birds and critters till all that left is a few blood stains and fractions of bones" would be equivalent to saying "A while back a boy got rallied"
2. Before pulling the trigger, a distinguish gangster would say "boy you about to be rallied
3. Here is an example of an inanimate object rallying and individual: As a 17 year old waitress goes about her daily tasks she pours an distinguished business man his third cup of coffee but succeeds in missing the cup and spilling the coffee all over his lap, an onlooker (up to date with his urban slang) "says that coffee rallied that man" (notice the attention was on the coffee not the waitress because 17 year old waitress are often stressed out and do not deserve to be held completely responsible by such accidental actions).
by Benji November 6, 2004
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This term is derived from the story of the little girl who knew how to spell the word “banana” but didn’t know when to stop. This often relates to constant attempts to fix a computer.
i have to banana problem your damn computer everytime i come over. you fucking n00b!
by Benji March 13, 2005
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This term is derived from the story of the little girl who knew how to spell the word “banana” but didn’t know when to stop. This often relates to constant attempts to fix a computer.
i fix the same banana problem on your ghey computer everytime i come over here.
by Benji March 5, 2005
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A very good band.. but also a very overrated band.. if you say you like Led Zeppelin but all you can say is YEEEY STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN AND ROCK AND ROLL AND KASHMIR i luvvv them omgo mogm ogm omg ... you are wrong ... im not saying those songs are bad .. im just saying that you are not a true Led Zep fan.. and you need to listen to songs like Celebration Day, Out On The Tiles, and Gallows Pole and things like that .. tahts the real Led ... and they did not spawn heavy metal... heavy metal... is gay .. and sad... bye
yeey Stairway to Heaven .. I LUVV LED ZEP

by Benji March 31, 2005
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oscar wilde said "tragedy is when i cut my finger, comedy is when you fall down an open manhole cover and die".
"oh man, i broke a nail, what a tragedy"
"that dude just fell into an open sewer and died! hahaha!"
by Benji July 27, 2003
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big fat peepee. Ok time to analyze.
Big: Substantial in size
Fat: Plump, well filled out
PeePee: Male reproductive organ (baby making machine part 1)
Put'em together and you get a sizable well filled out male reproductive organ. Damn if you needed the urban dic for this I suggest you finish elementary school.

Also used as an insult many times adding "head" to the end.
Oh shit. I was at the stalls the other day and being the stupid gay fuck that I am I looked over at the guy next to me and I noticed that he had a big fat peepee! Man, girls would get pregnant just looking at that thing!

In an insult:
Hey what kind of big fat peepee head are you? Only a big fat peepee pushes other kids off the swings!
by Benji June 25, 2004
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