On A scale from 1-10 describing how good a food dish looks.
I give that ribeye a 10 on the food chubb scale.
by DeathGadget September 12, 2021
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Also known as DDF.Its when you have to poop a lot.
"Ugh,be right back I have to do my DDF stuff...."Jimmy said."What's DDF?"Bob said."Disposing Digested Food"Jimmy replied.
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P1>Time to get garbage food!
P2>Oh McDonald’s again
by SP3CTR3TH3GH0ST December 31, 2022
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when u get in a tank that your friend drive so u can eat IRL and still get the xp.
(While gaming) Damn I´m hungry, I need to get some tank food.
by BattelfieldGamer December 20, 2016
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A protruding stomach caused by eating a large quantity of food and supposedly resembling that of a woman in the early stages of pregnancy.
A very small bump was visible in the tight frock, although it could easily have been mistaken for a food baby.
by xxBlackRainxx September 16, 2022
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A term used by people that refuse to use the word fat when describing their self
"I'm not fat I have a food baby"
by Makeupaddict January 29, 2016
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The creation of something in your stomach that makes a lot of growling noises and is waiting to leave your body via a good dump.
What's that sound? Oh that's just my food baby begging to go to the pool.
by mandoy March 2, 2018
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