A placeholder noun used when you only need one word, so lipsum would be too long.
"It says 'This value indicates floogleness' on the slides - what the hell does that mean?"
"I don't know, probably some random word Dave made up"
by PigeonParty July 7, 2021
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lovely kitty. sweet kitty. aya's lovely cat . awesome flooge
person 1: i love floogle
person 2: i would die for floogle
person 1: me too
by ayafloogle March 22, 2021
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A vagina with large, razor sharp teeth that extends from the body and attacks people. Makes loud, ferocious roaring sounds and, when extended, looks like a leech.
"Dude, my penis is gone." "What happened?!" "I was doing this girl when, suddenly, her floogle bit my dick and ripped it off." "Scary shit, man."
by FloogleKillsStarbucks March 16, 2008
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a floogle the new name for the number 1 with a million zeros after it.
I would't have sex with the fat girl for a floogle dollars.
by dakota kid October 23, 2009
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To play in or around private parts of a man or women.
Dude I totally floogled that girl over there.
by Batesio March 18, 2011
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A rude or cruel person. Sometimes, the person may steal. *A swear word*
That Matthew Ludwig was acting like such a floogle today! I don't know what was up with him.
by whatpaigeesaid March 11, 2009
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DAMN.. look at that floogle, Man she's easy. Wev'e all given her one!!!
by norman July 3, 2003
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