The word is derived from articles written by Robert Fisk that were easily refuted, and refers to a point-by-point debunking of lies and/or idiocies.
by Shamalama November 8, 2005
a point-by-point refutation of a blog entry or a news story.
Originally coined by extremist right-wing bloggers in reference to Robert Fisk, a journalist who is the subject of ad hominem attacks.
Originally coined by extremist right-wing bloggers in reference to Robert Fisk, a journalist who is the subject of ad hominem attacks.
by Nate Hatfield September 6, 2004
Fisking is a written argument where one person sequentially addresses each point of an of another person's argument.
This is done in a precise manner relying on semantics and ambiguities to infer a defect in the original point. This approach is tantamount to taking a sentence out of context in order to refute an entire argument.
Fisking does not pay heed to the opponent's thesis as a whole, and thus does not disprove the thesis as a whole.
This is done in a precise manner relying on semantics and ambiguities to infer a defect in the original point. This approach is tantamount to taking a sentence out of context in order to refute an entire argument.
Fisking does not pay heed to the opponent's thesis as a whole, and thus does not disprove the thesis as a whole.
That bastard was Fisking my posts. So I had to create a hydra to Fisk him. I really fisted that Fisking fucker.
by mattyqwerty February 12, 2009
'Fisk' is developing a meaning that is broader than definition #1 but more constrained than definition #4. It's coming to designate any point-by-point (attempt at) refutation of the other guy's argument. Haven't seen it with a small "f" yet, but surely that will come soon.
by buce August 25, 2005
The term refers to Robert Fisk, a journalist who wrote some rather foolish anti-war stuff, and who in particular wrote a story in which he (1) recounted how he was beaten by some anti-American Afghan refugees, and (2) thought they were morally right for doing so. Hence many pro-war blogs -- most famously, InstaPundit -- often use the term "Fisking" figuratively to mean a thorough and forceful verbal beating of an anti-war, possibly anti-American, commentator who has richly earned this figurative beating through his words. Good Fisking tends to be (or at least aim to be) quite logical, and often quotes the other article in detail, interspersing criticisms with the original article's text.
Responding to an earlier declaration against the war by a group of German intellectuals, a group of American academics and intellectuals has written a response. It's basically a heavyweight group-Fisking.
by Winkel April 4, 2004
A somewhat rare last name of Scandinavian origin, from the word fisk, meaning fish. Often spelled Fiske.
by AFISK April 7, 2009
when a male sits on the back of his partner reverse Cowboy and slides his cock in and out of her ass cheeks without penetration. This works particularly well with fat chicks. The position is named after hall of fame catcher Carlton Fisk.
by Todd McClure September 25, 2007